Welcome to On the Spot Welding
We have been in business for the last 12 years, servicing the trash and recycling industry. Our new and refurbished machines have been in service from day one, keeping our customer's trash and recycling flowing smoothly. We know in most cases the only time trash is an "issue" is when there is a problem getting rid of it. This is the reason On the Spot has such a large and growing customer base, as our name implies we'll be there when you need us.
Offering flexible payment plans and very budget conscious monthly options including install and maintenance, municipality customers find our equipment fits their tough budget requirements. In some cases towns can put in a machine for a low payment that would take years to budget for.
Service is our daily business, we service nearly every large business, chain store, and warehouse in our area. Haulers use us daily and know the value in our service. Unlike most distributors whose service techs are factory trained only by the company they sell, we are factory trained by four different manufactures including the companies they sell.
New equipment is the safest way to insure many years of carefree equipment. On the spot sells all brands of equipment. Having dealt with most everyone, we have found the most reliable and reasonably priced (in our opinion) manufacture in P.T.R. Baler and Compactor. P.T.R has a customer list that includes nearly every large company in the country; you don't get that kind of base without taking care of your customers.
The largest companies in the world trust our installations
Thomaston, Ct 06787
Phone: (203)243-1806
Fax: (860) 283-3521
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Copyright © 2010 “On the Spot Welding” All Rights Reserved.